Chalky White

Chalky White
Professional Ski Instructor and Motivational Speaker

A former London 'Bobby' originally from England, Chalky White has lived and worked in eleven countries. Whether as an internationally renowned world-class ski instructor who will 'Ski the World' with clients in any resort around the globe, or as a motivational keynote speaker, Chalky White has the credentials and the experience to motivate and inspire. Over several decades, Chalky has devised both ski-related and personal development strategies that have helped him, and consequently, his clients both on and off the slopes.

His proven system of skiing fundamentals, enabling skiers to advance their skills to expert levels, is illustrated in Chalky White's #1 best selling ski instructional book on, "The 7 Secrets of Skiing". Accolades for his book include "Deserving of its place in the pantheon of best ski instruction books ever written." Clients have written of Chalky, "He must be one of the best in the world." A demanding client of Chalky's, after being critiqued by all time great and Olympic Champion skier Franz Klammer, was told "Don't change instructors!" He hasn't! By clients worldwide, Chalky White is a highly sought after ski instructor.

As a motivational keynote speaker, Chalky White can offer simple guidance in overcoming adversity and naysayers, thus increasing productivity in the workplace and improving personal development. The word 'simple' has long been a mantra of Chalky's, whether related to ski performance development or in his motivational speeches. As Chalky often says, "Keeping it simple sets up platforms for easy understanding and so, faster learning."

Among the target audiences to which Chalky White presents his speech "How to Say Nay to Your Naysayers and... Have the Last Laugh!" are conventions, corporations and colleges. The simple solutions and methods that Chalky advocates can be applied in almost any aspect of personal and professional life. Although his presentations address serious issues, they contain fascinating, compelling and sometimes, hilarious stories.

Martin Bell

Four Time Olympian
World Cup Ski Racer 1981/95
Four-Time British Overall Champion

Hi, I'm Martin Bell. I've known Chalky and of his legendary motivational, communication skills for many years. He was described, probably accurately, by a long time demanding client as, "One of the World's Best Ski Instructors." A Brit now living stateside, Chalky's writing skills have turned him into a popular columnist on the famous, Skiing. Added to bounteous other badges of approval, and I fully concur, other highly respected skiing professionals have said that his extremely accurately written, skiing development #1 bestseller, "The 7 Secrets of Skiing", "Deserves its place in the pantheon of great ski books." Some accolade!

Chalky's systematic methods became, and remain, incredibly successful; but it wasn't always that way. When his personal skiing story, ordeal more like, is considered, it's easy to see why he nearly quit, several times. Luckily for the ski world, he didn't! Chalky didn't click into his first skis until he was 26; late, for someone aspiring to become a top-drawer ski teacher. Chalky's early teaching career is littered with the kind of adversity he badly wants his clients to avoid. It would take Chalky 8 attempts to pass three qualification exams; only dogged persistence, determination and the discovery of his own mentor, USA's Peter Curtis, eventually saw him gain the 'Holy Grail' of full certification. Chalky's, dogged, "I'll never quit,' paid off.

Chalky is a long established member of the esteemed Beaver Creek ski school in Colorado. Before that, was his Optimum Ski Courses in the French Alps; Optimum helped spawn the idea of, SKI THE WORLD WITH CHALKY.

Adversity has always inspired Chalky to greater achievements. A prominent ski instructor training body concluded that he would never amount to anything because he had, as they put it, "The wrong body shape." Ludicrous! His legs were and still are, bowed or Bandy, thus preventing him from skiing with his feet held tightly together. As a ski racer, I can categorically inform you that that out-moded practice, if you want to become a truly efficient skier, as Chalky will certainly tell you, never has and never will work.

My international ski racing experience qualifies me to repeat, as other professionals have said, that Chalky's #1 book, does deserve its place in the pantheon of the best 'How to' ski books ever written. If nothing else, it's a must, from this website or Amazon, certainly buy a copy; It can only help to enhance your skiing performance. "The 7 Secrets of Skiing" is full of information that reminds skiers, no matter what their level, of the key skills required for skiing dynamically.

What is Chalky doing right now? Especially for advanced/expert and adept intermediate skiers there is, SKI THE WORLD WITH CHALKY WHITE, an exclusive personal service, it allows the more adept skier, to experience something somewhat unique. It is an opportunity to ski with Chalky, one that you can enjoy either alone or, as a small party at, literally, any resort on the Globe. Imagine yourself, skiing with such a fun personality at legendary places like, Zermatt – Aspen – Whistler – Courcheval – St. Anton and so many others. I've told Chalky, if there's a chance of me going along to one of these amazing resorts or others, I'm in – always up for new adventures. You should be too! Dreams can and do come true!

Don't miss this great opportunity to SKI THE WORLD; do it with one of the most, fun loving, empathetic and acclaimed experts in the English-speaking World, Mr. Chalky White. Remember, it really is snowing, somewhere on the Planet.